Thursday, January 13, 2005

death of an artist..

Is there actaully an Alchemist hidden in an individual? Is that the purpose of one's journey? If that is the case than shall we move on without considering the aspirations of people like our parents? Their expectation, the set of conditions around us, the mission....what is more important? I've seen people who could have been better artists working as traders. I've seen them smoking their frustations @ night. I've seen them carrying a family to which I don't know how much they relate to? I think there's always a choice that one has. No one can be blamed. Only a loss can be mourned. The death of the artist. The pain from the departure of a creater, a genius who never came! I don't know!


Blogger Tanushree Baruah said...

I went through your sketches but funniy enough, I enjoyed your writing more. Keep writing!
(PS)I came across your profile on orkut incase you are wondering.

6:48 AM  

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