Thursday, May 25, 2006

i wont say goodbye anymore...

the most beautiful sound,
the sound of a beating heart..
showing there is still life..
somewhere in the body..

feeling the steady rhythm.
inside of someone..
seemingly being close enough..
to touch their hearts..

a weird feeling of calm comes over..
and relaxes the body..
feeling not only life..
but everything from pain to joy..

not understanding it..
yet, being close enough to grasp it..
ok, that was her heart..
then one day, impedance!!

the story got over..
much mchh before the hiatus!!
i wont say..
i wont say goodbye anymore.. .


* Bright white, acid-free sketching paper with slight surface texture (Bienfang) * Charcoal leads/pencils (Derwent) * Graphite Chunk (General's) * Fabric paint (Camel-Black) *


this is just an experiment.. was jst trying out the new paper i got today..
watch this space for the charcoal version.. soon..

(write-up in progress)

* Rough surface texture Graphite Paper(Bienfang) * Fabric paint (Camel-Black) *