Wednesday, September 07, 2005

a short but valuable association..

sanchan.. sanchan sahai saxena..
a good friend.. a good leader..
this lad from Delhi is the most dynamic person i've known.. he believes that a company sells customer/partner experiences and not mere products.. an asset to Microsoft India.. his partners swear by his name and he has been very successful in making a positive impact on them.. he is committed to helping the team achieve bigger milestones through personal achievements and team efforts.. his passion lies with aeronautics and is an amateur photographer as well.. today, sanchan left us today to take up a role in Microsoft US.. all the very best

must say, it was a short but valuable association..
i believe that all good things come to an end, but they sow the seeds for even better things to grow in the future! Looking forward to exciting times ahead...

sanchan, congratulations on your new assigment.. i wish you luck, although with your skills you do not need it.. i hope our paths will cross again..
will miss ya mate..


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